Jim Bray hacked up the ussp-push tool I have up on unrooted.net and made a .deb out of it, should be a nice easy install path now. I made that available a long time ago, and apparently it’s still what people pick up pretty frequently.

Getting the email from Jim made me really think about the whole Bluetooth situation more than I have in a few months now. I’ve stopped following BlueZ for the most part. I have systems at my appartment setup so that I can backup and restore my t68i, and get a network connection with my Palm devices, but for the most part all the new Bluetooth functions just aren’t very usefull. They’re a pain because I can never tell what is going to work with which devices, and I’m a lot more knowledgeable than most when it comes to this stuff. But unless I’m using bluetooth to hook two Linux systems together, almost nothing is guaranteed to work. I wish the problem was just Linux Bluetooth, but it doesn’t seem to be. My father tried to get a Bluetooth dongle setup with his Windows system so that he could get a network connection using his Tungsten, but also no luck there. I can’t help but think that the Bluetooth people have just really missed their opportunity for mass adoption. There might be a chance that they can recover some point down the line. Say if there are very pointed applications that get Bluetooth radios out and in use, and the software ends up supporting extra features that then see wider adoption. But the commonly sighted stats that the Bluetooth people are proud of is that there are millions of radios deployed. Great, but how many of those radios are in real use? And how many are being used in the way that the user really intended them to be? Most of the stories that I hear from others mirror my own experience. That others can get some Bluetooth features working, but not too many. And that many users with Bluetooth enabled devices have never even turned on the radio before (I base this off of Clie, Tungsten, and t68i users, many of whom have never used the Bluetooth functions in their devices at all).