New Board Members for Wireless Ink
I just met with Dave from Wireless Ink just a few days ago, so I admit I had a tip off to look for some interesting news from them. They’ve just announced that they’ve added Howard Rheingold and Adam Greenfield to their Advisory Board. I would be happy just to get a few minutes to talk to either of those guys. Adding people like this to the board is a strong move, and a hefty endorsement for Wireless Ink. Congratulations to the Wireless Ink team! I’ll be looking forward to seeing what the new year has in store.
On a more Bitsplitter specific note, I’ve been working on setting up WINKsite mobile versions of a couple of projects I’ve been working on. I’ve been cranking away on them since I got back from NY, but they’re still nowhere near ready. I’ll let you know when they’re live and kicking. As usual, I’ve probably bitten off way more than I can chew…. but hopefully at least one of them will see the light of day :-)