There’s an article over at MobileWhack about a desktop cradle called the Blue Dock. It allows a PDA to be used like a full desktop system, with keyboard, monitor, and network connection. Still not available for quite some time, but it does work somewhat towards an idea that Mike Rohde was also talking about recently. I’ve been following systems based on the MCC, such as the products from Antelope, for a while now. The concept has been around the block a few times, and it would appear to me that the technology has been up to the task for a while. The iPod seems to be an excellent example of a compact system with almost all the trimmings necessary to serve as a computing core. But something has kept these little guys out of the mass market. They seem like a great idea to me, but I guess I could be in a very small minority who would go for a device like this. Perhaps once the wireless technologies have a little longer to ferment we’ll see something like the Personal Servers that Intel has been working on instead. There’s quite a bit of info about them available already, and of course I’m quite happy that all those technologies seem to be Linux friendly (hell, the article is at, how much better can it get?!?)