Almost Back on Track
I’m done with my Austin trip, but I’m back in the airport waiting for a plane to Kansas City. Just over 24 hours at home. Enough to wash some clothes, rifle through all the equiptment and figure out what I need for the trip, nap, eat, shower, and leave. It’s been a really hectic couple of weeks. I’ve been in Palo Alto, New York, Austin, and now Kansas City. That’s why the updates here have been eratic at best. That will probably be true for the next week or so, I’ll be on site with a customer and probably quite busy. But I’m now involved with a couple of really cool new projects that should be pulling me into some unexplored areas (unexplored for me at least). Hopefully that will result in a few interesting blog updates if nothing else.
And a thank you to those of you who sent email saying that you missed the frequent updates. Even though my stats say you’re out there, it’s very nice to hear from you in person. I think I responded to all of them individually, but if you mailed me and I didn’t respond, I am sorry. I had some problems with my hosting provider and may have lost some emails. Please just resend if you were looking for a response but didn’t get one.