ETech Podcast and Rock Podcast Posted
A few days ago I posted about meeting Ewan at ETech. The podcast that he recorded during the ETech conf is up now. It even got noticed over at BoingBoing, which hopefully means great things for him! Ewan has also started doing the Rock show for The Podcast Network. My favorite track off the first edition? Falling as One by Rise to Addiction. I love to see RSS used for stuff like this, giving exposure to bands that really want it. Bands that are happy to release their recordings for free in order to gain an audience. It really helps to underscore the fact that protecting the existing recording companies and their contracts is NOT the only way to keep the music industry going. There are other models out there, there are artists not only willing to share, but actively looking for a chance to do so. Ewan is doing a great service by providing these bands a platform from which they can start evolving into the new medium, experimenting with a new way of finding their audience, and providing an introduction in both directions. Keep it coming Ewan!
Tags: ETech ThePodcastNetwork EwanSpence