April MoMo - Jeff Clavier and Marc Brown
Jeff and Marc presenting at April MoMo.
Marc and Jeff are from Buzznet.
Buzznet - the “othr” photosharing community. We have vowels.
Besides photonotes, they’re very similar. They just have a very different take on user interface.
They have tags, they’re called buzzwords. Comments, links, title. Tag view, everyone who tagged a photo with coffee, etc.
One point of differentiation, buzznet has custom galleries. Custom interface, custom look.
We foster communication and help form communities, between brands and consumers, artists and fans, event hosts and attendees, you and the world.
One side is buzznet.com(premium services, advertising and sponsorship, printing/ECommerce (coming soon)), and the other is the platform (event and artist promotion, co-branded or white label, hosted or deployed).
Cobranded sites : HIM (His Immortal Magesty - a Finnish Goth band) a site for fans to post to. Ventura County Star (newspaper, pioneer in citizen journalism) they captured a high speed chase, a train accident. There was no professional coverage, just people on the scene with cell phones. M3. Sympatico in Canada, the Moblog is powered by buzznet.
http://www.buzznet.com/developers/ has the details about the API. Lets you build your own applications and front end.
New products. Buzznet Music, launced at SXSW. a space to promote your band (band to fan, fan to fan communcation). Working with festivals and events to help attendees share.
Browser based access - chtml version of the site. buzznetmobile.com.
They have a series60 handset applcation. download: http://www.buzznet-inc.com/mobile
Partnership with Bellstream (Finland) to develop the application.
http://www.mobilemonday.la is being launched! First meeting is April 18th.
New hardware is coming to deal with the load they’re seeing.
Tags: MobileMonday BuzzNet