106miles Event Feb 8th
There’s a new networking group, called 106miles, operating in the Silicon Valley area. I missed the first meeting, but the second meeting is going to be February 8th at 7pm. Here’s an excerpt from their description:
Feedster Facelift
The Feedster site has a new look, mostly implemented by Michael Fagan. I have a horrible eye for layout and saw too many pre-1996 designs to be able to distinguish between the better of two somewhat modern options. But even considering my unrefined judgment, the new look is obviously much cleaner. For the most part it’s just an update to the look, but there are some nice effects from the refresh. The media feeds seem to be updating again. There’s a lot of interest in audio and video enclosures, and I would love to be able to do more with the feeds in there. I’ve been pulling down some of the content from video blogs to put on my handset, but I’m the kind of geek who gets a kick out of that sort of thing. Steve mentioned allowing attention metadata to flow into and out of mobile devices during the talk about attention.xml this evening, and that he had even spoken to Russ about it. Sounds like exactly the kind of thing we should be hacking on during our little geekouts. Wondering if MP3 players and cell phones will converge? Well it’s a lot more likely if there’s good reason to get information back out of the player and into the network.
Steve Gillmor was over at the EBig RSS and Blogging SIG, talking about attention.xml. The format was pretty free form, very participatory. He was pulling people out of the audience and asking them questions. The audio should be up on ITConversations. Here are some notes.
CodeCon Schedule
The CodeCon schedule was released yesterday. CodeCon is a conference that runs Feb 11th thru 13th 2005 in San Francisco. I’m planning to go. There’s a list of topics also, if you just want to see what’s going to be talked about. What really caught my eye this time? The Mappr talk, Photospace, Ultra Gleeper, the talk by 2idi about i-brokers (I saw Fen Labalme speak at a Future Salon event and wanted to hear more), and Kevin’s presentation on the Jakarta FeedParser.
Open Source SIP Stack
I was just digging through some old news I marked down but never read, and just noticed the release of an open-source, reference SIP stack that engineers can tap when developing VoIP and other SIP-enabled equipment designs. The effort seems to be progressing through an organization called SIPfoundry. Here’s an excerpt from their mission statement:
EFF Endangered Gizmos List
The EFF has created a list of technologies that are being threatened or outlawed in the interest of protecting established corporate interests:
Tags are the New Black
I’ve been paying attention to the discussions about tagging (or folksonomies depending on who you talk to). Some of the concepts are very appealing. I’ve been using and Flickr and Buzznet long enough to understand the usage patterns there. But the recent addition of tagging to Technorati has really opened up some new doors. I was at the Future Salon chatting with Niall about some of them, so I had tagging fresh in my mind when the presentation started and that seems to have kicked off a few ideas.
Earthquake RSS
I was sitting at the office and thought I felt the building shaking. It might have been a truck, or the building settling, or an earthquake. So I went over to the USGS earthquake maps, a very cool resource. Must have been something other than an earthquake, but I still thought “Hey, this would be a great thing to have as RSS.” Apparently someone else thought so a while ago, cause you can find the feeds here.
Geek Wine
Niall has proposed a Geek Wine Gathering at a place called VinoVenue right over by the Feedster offices (right by the Metreon in San Francisco). They serve tea also, not just wine. The geeky part are the machines that dispense the wine, they use smartcards to dispense an ounce of wine at a time. Though if they were really hip I could just pay for the drinks with a wave of my hand, and at the same time take that first step toward my lifelong dream of becoming a cyborg.
Steve Gillmor on AttentionXML
Steve Gillmor is going to be speaking at the next eBig Blogging and RSS SIG meeting. The topic is AttentionXML:
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