
  • Linus Responds to SCO Evidence Files

    There’s a post over at Groklaw with Linus’s response to the files that SCO says were coppied. Basically, it looks like bunk. Which is what a lot of us expected. SCO has tried sighting files which are so heavily standardized that any implementation would look the same. But still, there are very telltale mistakes in the Linux version which make it appear that the files were written to try to impement the interfaces by a novice programmer, not coppied from a 20 year old codebase. I hope SCO just gets completely blasted out of the water and we can forget about their annoying charade. If they can’t succeed in running their business, they can at least go out with some dignity.

  • Vagablog 1.7

    I’ve released verion 1.7 of Vagablog, although I suspect the change won’t really affect most people. I expanded the amount of memory available for processing the blog list. There used to be a limit of 10 blogs, now it’ll use a lot more (31 is the limit of my testing so far). Why would one need that many blogs? Well, I actually spoke to some of the people who work over at last week, and the people who were interested in using the app have 20 blogs or more. So of course I fixed up the app. Hopefully it would negatively affect anyone, and this way the crew maybe wander around and tell people how ph4t Vagablog is. Probably not, but I am allowed to hope, aren’t I?

  • McLuhan Analysis of Mobile Telephony

    There’s a post about applying McLuhan’s “Laws of Media” to the mobile telephone. I hadn’t heard of these questions before, and both the article and the discussion around it are very interesting. In the comments there are links to some good sites and papers, so don’t read just the article itself. There’s a lot more there.

  • Yep, Earthquake

    I finally found the location on the USGS site that has realtime maps of earthquake activity, so I was able to verify the shaking that I felt. It still hasn’t shown up on the list of quakes, but at least the map there told me there was a big quake in central California. And other people in San Francisco said they felt it too. Ah, an update from the USGS site. It’s really really official now. I feel validated.

  • Earthquake?

    I’m sitting here reading news and suddenly my monitor start swaying from side to side. Afraid my cheap cardtable/desk is about to give way I hop up, but feel unsteady on my feet. The blinds are swaying back and forth, and I can see the sliding doors on the closets shifting some. Earthquake? I’m not quite sure. Maybe just some odd settling in my old appartment building. So I think “I’ll check online”. But then realize I have no idea where to find news quite that immediate. I know it’s out there somewhere. But am I seeing nothing in blogs and news sites cause it was a localized event? Or because the sites just haven’t been updated yet?

  • How to Get a Book Deal with Your Blog

    Biz has a new article up at about how to get a book deal with your blog. It’s a great tongue in cheek article that makes for an amusing read, yet brings up some really relevant points at the same time. According to Biz he doesn’t have a real job function at Hopefully that means he’ll have plenty of time to write stuff like that.

  • Microcommunities

    There’s an interesting entry in John Battelle’s blog about adding a blogging mechanism that allows readers to optionally expose their reading habbits so that others can somewhat “read over their shoulder” (my own term for it). I’ve been interested in this for a while, mostly looking it from the knowledge management end. The closest that I’ve seen so far is the properly applied use of trackbacks. Trackback is a mechanism that allows blog A to send a message to blog B, with the message containing information for blog B about a referencing entry in blog A. The theory is that readers of blog B will then be able to read what others have posted on the topic. Trackbacks are far from universal however, and they only let one blog know about another, not about the general habbits of the readers at large. It would be nice to see a way for the mostly passive readers of blogs be able to participate in knowledge creation. I thought I remembered systems aimed at this type of thing, but a quick web search didn’t turn up anything along the lines of what I thought was out there. Maybe the projects were completely killed. Or maybe I’m just crazy. Either way, I think it would be worth experimenting with.

  • ussp-push .deb and Bluetooth in General

    Jim Bray hacked up the ussp-push tool I have up on and made a .deb out of it, should be a nice easy install path now. I made that available a long time ago, and apparently it’s still what people pick up pretty frequently.

  • Fedora Linux Schedule

    There’s a schedule posted at the Fedora site. Sure RedHat may have moved it’s support to only the enterprize versions, but I still think the Fedora version is going to rock. I just wish I had a test system free so that I could muck around with the new releases and maybe help out some. The release plans for integration of the 2.6 version of the kernel, which I think is very cool. Guess I’ll have to wait till it stabilizes some…. aww man.

  • Interview with Alan Cox

    There’s an interview with Alan Cox at He talks about patent law in Europe and open source for businesses. If he ends up doing user interface work instead of kernel work when he goes back to RedHat it could be really interesting. Projects like Gnome and KDE are rolling along, but they no longer have the big splashes that they used to. Maybe because they’re somewhat established now, and the things they end up doing just don’t seem as exciting as the initial steps did. But Cox participating in the desktop end might have a lot of impact, and reinvigorate whatever area he decides to participate in.

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